Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Because of Sim Cha, Diwali and Guy Fawkes Day...

Recently Will and I have decided that in order to make the most out of London, we are going to see all it has to offer (that is free).

We went to Sim Cha in Trafalgar Square, which means happy festival, or something like that. It was fun, I LOVED the dancing, but the singing, was not so nice, and the bagels, let's just say that I'm missing New York BIG time right about now.

Then (on another sunday afternoon, this one more rainy than anything else) we went to Diwali (pronounced DEE VAL E) which is the festival of light, associated with harvest. This was awesome. I forgot how much I LOVE indian music (and food). Plus all the little dancer girls were fantastic, seriously, better than the Sim Cha girls, and that's saying something! They gave lots of love to all the different parts of London, so Will and I got to scream in support of North London (which is where we live, in case you didn't know), and as some of the only non-Indian people there, I'm sure our screams were much appreciated...avid discrimination aside (not by me, but by the guy that stood in my line of vision, on purpose, all night long) it was a good time. This is my second time attending, and if we are here next year, I'm sure we'll be back.

That same day we went to a sports cafe in Picadilly to watch the NFL in London, which we thought would be a big deal, but according to the Brits, was not. We ended up at this bar, with TONS of Americans (it's nice to hear the accent after not hearing it for so long, you forget about it, and then, you miss home, and things like Halloween and Thanksgiving...) It was a pretty bad game, but we met some pretty nice Americans-there weren't any fat Americans there, so the Brits are wrong about that one again! (That keeps getting published in the newspaper, that Americans are all fat...)

Finally Guy Fawkes day is this Tuesday, this is when all the Brits get to buy fireworks and shoot them off in the middle of the street days before the actual event (which is actually celebrating that Guy Fawkes, who planned to destroy the parliament and take down the king in 160-something was defeated). This weekend there are firework celebrations all over the city (we will be attending those at Alexandra Palace, which isn't actually a Palace, but WAS an internment camp during WWI-yes, AND and Ice Skating Rink, because as I guessed, those two DO go together...)

Halloween was today, we missed it. I saw a couple of little kids dressed up, but nothing impressive. Today is one of the days that makes me realize that I will someday have to move back to the States (when I've completed this degree of course) because I can't live without free candy and turkey, and they just don't do it over here.

On another note, Nemo has taken quite a liking to the jelly disgustingness they call cat food over here, and now has NO NECK. So Nemo and Ramses, are equally as fat, although, I'm thinking Nemo is starting to win. Next week, we will be starting our own version of Biggest Loser...stayed tuned, if we can figure out how to post pictures, the personal training sessions will be PRICELESS!

Oh, yeah, if anyone knows anyone in water sustainability/economics department, that's the latest area we are looking for Will in terms of employment, but honestly, Starbucks will do, please help, we need rent money.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Week in the Life of...

This week was a lot more hectic (mentally) than anticipated. Well maybe not.

To say I can't remember most of what happened this week would be an extreme disappointment to all reading this (is anyone reading this?) Let alone to admit that not remembering is NOT alcohol induced.

I had a meeting with the director of the UCL Museums and Collections, who also plays a large part in the Institute for Cultural Heritage, which hopefully will also be the site of my fieldwork. The meeting seemed to go very well, she plans to review my proposal in greater detail and get back to me. Meanwhile, I was invited to the new staff party tomorrow in order for her to introduce me to everyone, so I take that as a good sign.

Will and I managed to swing by our favorite indian restaurant, which happens to now take over an hour to get to by bus (as it is in Bayswater, and we currently reside in Nappyville, I mean, Muswell Hill). It was fantastic (as always), and our decision to make it a twice monthly affair with friends is, in my opinion, and excellent idea.

I have decided not to play soccer (football) as schoolwork is taking much more time then it did when I was doing my MSc, so I'm going to have to start getting myself into the habit of running again. I'm hoping that since my fieldwork will be in London, I can play next season.

We went and visited Natalie's mom in Hitchin for a dinner party, which was fantastic as always. We met up with some friends and were surrounded by babies (2). Which for the first time in my life, I can actually say I enjoyed (playing with them, and then getting to hand them back to their mothers, but I did enjoy playing with them, and that is a step).

Meanwhile I've recently learned that my brother is "in a relationship, and it's complicated" (Facebook quotation of course). Since he has neglected to tell me what exactly that means, and who the relationship is with, I decided that I'd put this out there in the public forum...

Ramses and Nemo have moved from Jelly Pockets of food, to jelly tins of food. What this means is that the wetfood actually looks MORE disgusting than ever thought, and is easier for them to move off the plate onto the floor (which reminds me that we need a better mop).

These week seems to be filled with similar banalities, although I do have a presentation tomorrow, which I feel I should be more worried about than I am, but I'm sure the butterflies will hit me right when I start speaking.

Overall I'd like to give a big shout-out to Hilary Duff for wearing an amazing black and green short mini dress that she totally pulled off, and a shout-down to Lindsay, who, I have to say the hair is starting to grow on me, but whose outfits recently have lacked imagination (style, a washer...) And finally, to ScarJo, whom I can't figure out if I love or hate (I think I love), the new addidas line is really really weird. I know that hearts are supposed to be big this season, as are stars, but 1970's inspired running shorts over leggings is just one big trip to the gyno waiting to happen. I can't condone it, especially at over $50 a pair, you have GOT to be kidding. (I'm sure I can find that outfit somewhere in a thrift store for under $5), plus even Olivia Newton-John realized that stage of her life was her worst, fashion wise...

Monday, October 15, 2007

On The Road(Plane) Again

As most of you know...Will, Ramses, Nemo, and I have moved to London, England.

While I think I'm computer-literate, I've actually never hosted a blog, so it's taken a little bit to take time out of my day of library dusting, pub crawling, gofugyourself reading and Facebooking to sit down and create this. (Which was SUPER easy by the way).

So we've moved and we currently reside in Muswell Hill. It's a nice, relatively suburban section of London, that has no access to the tube, and is a good hour bus-ride from school. Yes folks, an hour. (Which is an unbearably long amount of time if you've had too much to drink, or if you have a migraine, both of which, I've already had the pleasure).

Our cats surprisingly made it through customs faster than we did, which was fantastic, since all the websites ensured us it would take up to four hours after we got out of customs, AND they can't guarantee that they wouldn't be quarantined anyway.

We arrived at our flat to find that it hadn't been cleaned, we had leaks in two rooms and our fridge had no shelves (thanks Foxtons, glad that 376 pound administrative fee went STRAIGHT to your Christmas party fund).

Will and I are both still searching for jobs, me as a part-time, hopefully something in museums, but writing will do position, and Will in environmental science, preferably in water quality. This, is much harder than anticipated. Both of us have sent out more CV's than I have ever sent out before, with, minimal response, so, if anyone out there wants to lend us a hand, we will gladly take it.

The cats, are for the most part ( I guess this depends on what you consider good eating) are eating better than we do, with such delicacies as Trout and Salmon in Aspic with Roasted Vegetables, and Veal and Rabbit with a hint of mint and carrots. The cat litter is something to be desired, we miss Tidy Cats and wish we could import it without a huge cost.

School has started and it's much harder than I anticpated, which, I think is good, since after this, there isn't anything else, so it better weed out the freakos. :-) I absolutely love it, and it sounds like my project is getting approved (and hopefully funded).

I have a couple of presentations coming up, so once I do those, I might put some of my stuff up here, in case anyone is interested.

It's not as rainy as I'm sure everyone thought it would be, it's actually pretty nice, albeit a little colder than I'd like October to be. We've done some minor exploring, I've taken Will to the British Museum, Chelsea, Portobello Market etc. Today we went to Simcha in Trafalgur Square which was AWESOME (and I got a bunch of propoganda for Jared!!!)

We live on the High Street, right above a Pizza Place, the owners are very nice (although very loud on Sunday mornings), and the coffee is great! (Haven't tried the food though).

Anyway, things are good, the wedding was AWESOME, although in hindsight, I wish we had time for a honeymoon, and a little time before we moved, it was too crazy the last two months or so. Hopefully my parents will get the pictures soon, so we can send them out to the select few :-)

Anyway, feel free to give us a ring when you have a chance (email us at our personal emails if you want the number, I'm not about to post it on this open space). I'm sure we will write regularly now that this is up and running!

Lots of Love, Tea, and Football,

Erin and Will (Or as my sister and Jared have famously dubbed us, EW)