Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Because of Sim Cha, Diwali and Guy Fawkes Day...

Recently Will and I have decided that in order to make the most out of London, we are going to see all it has to offer (that is free).

We went to Sim Cha in Trafalgar Square, which means happy festival, or something like that. It was fun, I LOVED the dancing, but the singing, was not so nice, and the bagels, let's just say that I'm missing New York BIG time right about now.

Then (on another sunday afternoon, this one more rainy than anything else) we went to Diwali (pronounced DEE VAL E) which is the festival of light, associated with harvest. This was awesome. I forgot how much I LOVE indian music (and food). Plus all the little dancer girls were fantastic, seriously, better than the Sim Cha girls, and that's saying something! They gave lots of love to all the different parts of London, so Will and I got to scream in support of North London (which is where we live, in case you didn't know), and as some of the only non-Indian people there, I'm sure our screams were much appreciated...avid discrimination aside (not by me, but by the guy that stood in my line of vision, on purpose, all night long) it was a good time. This is my second time attending, and if we are here next year, I'm sure we'll be back.

That same day we went to a sports cafe in Picadilly to watch the NFL in London, which we thought would be a big deal, but according to the Brits, was not. We ended up at this bar, with TONS of Americans (it's nice to hear the accent after not hearing it for so long, you forget about it, and then, you miss home, and things like Halloween and Thanksgiving...) It was a pretty bad game, but we met some pretty nice Americans-there weren't any fat Americans there, so the Brits are wrong about that one again! (That keeps getting published in the newspaper, that Americans are all fat...)

Finally Guy Fawkes day is this Tuesday, this is when all the Brits get to buy fireworks and shoot them off in the middle of the street days before the actual event (which is actually celebrating that Guy Fawkes, who planned to destroy the parliament and take down the king in 160-something was defeated). This weekend there are firework celebrations all over the city (we will be attending those at Alexandra Palace, which isn't actually a Palace, but WAS an internment camp during WWI-yes, AND and Ice Skating Rink, because as I guessed, those two DO go together...)

Halloween was today, we missed it. I saw a couple of little kids dressed up, but nothing impressive. Today is one of the days that makes me realize that I will someday have to move back to the States (when I've completed this degree of course) because I can't live without free candy and turkey, and they just don't do it over here.

On another note, Nemo has taken quite a liking to the jelly disgustingness they call cat food over here, and now has NO NECK. So Nemo and Ramses, are equally as fat, although, I'm thinking Nemo is starting to win. Next week, we will be starting our own version of Biggest Loser...stayed tuned, if we can figure out how to post pictures, the personal training sessions will be PRICELESS!

Oh, yeah, if anyone knows anyone in water sustainability/economics department, that's the latest area we are looking for Will in terms of employment, but honestly, Starbucks will do, please help, we need rent money.

1 comment:

ccalgreen said...

you need to change the color of yr font - it's hard to read black on purple! also, get a catster account for ramses & nemo, then they can be fwiends w/ harry & sally!
