Monday, December 17, 2007

The Winter Wind that Fast Approaches...


Because we DO have heat, you'd think that it wouldn't be colder inside our flat than out (and it is below freezing here people), but it is, and this is because the wonderful people at Foxton's who manage our property, have decided that radiator heat and single paned glass from the 1940's with cracks underneath and above the windows, and active vents in all the rooms (vents that connect to the outside) will be what's needed to keep the flat nice and toastly. Unfortunately for us, what this means is we have a huge heating bill, and, we're still wearing coats indoors and three blankets to bed. We've started fearing for the cats during the day, and they've taken to sleeping under the massive piles of blankets when we are away (and the heat is off, to TRY to save money). Anyhoo, that is the biggest woe of the hour, although a consistent one, since, in order to type this, Will has to constantly blow on my fingers to make sure they're still working.

A big congrats to TJ and Melissa, who got engaged last night. Will and I went out and celebrated for them beforehand, at a couple of bars, and therefore, when they told us, we were already fairly toasted (I mean, we have to be pretty drunk to come back to a flat like this). We mean it though, they are going to be really happy (and hopefully not make stupid irrational choices such as; move to England when the dollar is in the negative; move to England when they aren't hiring Americans, etc. seriously, we love it here).

For all of our readers out there (I know I've asked this before, but do we HAVE readers out there??) please give a shout out to Will this Christmas, via phone, as he will be far from the ones he loves, due to the fact that LONDON is apparently not hiring environmental scientists, and Starbucks sucking, and requiring him to be at work the day before and the day after Christmas (Christmas Eve and Boxing Day, if you will). So please give him a call, tell him you miss him and Christmas just wasn't the same without him (even if you have to lie).

Per Will's request, if someone could PLEASE tape all college bowl games, it would be greatly appreciated.

And finally, woe is me, RIP to my favorite, The Standard Indian Restaurant, that for reasons unknown to us, has closed its doors. We do not know if this is for good, but the windows are papered up, and there is no sign. Needless to say, I am in a state of mourning. Please send any contributions in the form of Saag Chicken, Chicken Madras, Raita, and Naan. Will and I will keep you posted on whether or not this is a permanent problem, and if we've found any good Indian Food to supplement.

Belated Happy Hannukah, I have no idea when Kwanza is, and I'm sure I'm missing many others, but a happy and a merry.

1 comment:

ccalgreen said...

of course we read it! :)